As the terrible feelings of dread and angst spread across the world the great majority of the American people feel powerless before the onslaught of those planning to destroy the American way of life. From every quarter people are asking how can this happen? How can a pathological liar and con man be the tool of forces that want to destroy the American Constitution, the rule of law, and the power of the people? Why are these fanatics allowed to get away with it? Obviously, they have powerful friends.

The Independence of the Supreme Court has been captured by those rabid in their religious/autocratic beliefs. They are tied to billionaires who hide behind corporate veils and are sick and tired of having to be responsible players on this planet. How long can these zealots be allowed to commit such disgusting crimes as the compromise of the Supreme Court?

For several years Americans have been following the research, information and insights provided by Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse about the scheme that was developed by Leonard Leo and other fanatic Catholics (Yes, those responsible including the five so-called conservatives on the Supreme Court, are rabid Catholics who believe in medieval authoritarian dictatorship). Their sick beliefs about women and women’s rights are so out of step with the majority of Americans that they represent only the smallest minority. These evil people, who set out to capture America, have attached themselves to billionaires and multimillionaires who believe that No government should serve the needs of the people or the planet.

They operate with a rape-rip-and run philosophy. They must be exposed and held responsible.

The capture of the Supreme Court is the result of years of well-planned subversive activity. Roe vs Wade sucker-punched women and the majority of men. Citizens United allowed dark money into politics to buy, defeat, contaminate, or disrupt fair and representative government. These seditionists were also able to infiltrate state governments in attempts to destroy voter’s rights. Remember, the captured Supreme Court also destroyed the Voter Rights Act.

This is not the first time democracy has been under assault. History shows us a repeating pattern of fascist actors whose primary goal is toreplasce democracy with autocracy. Much is known about the plans to destroy the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, and yet those responsible for preserving the American dream have turned a blind eye and let the infiltrators get away with it time and time again. During the last 60 years of America’s story, those who have committed these vile crimes have been rescued from punishment by the corruption of our judicial system. Be aware of the damage senators like Mitch McConnell and a handful of others have done. Pay attention. Listen to their words. Be aware of their deeds. Yes, there is rot in Congress. Don’t forgive them, for they know exactly what they are doing. If you find them guilty, Vote them out.