Category: For Profit Schools
Finally, The Corporate Press Is Exposing Duncan and Gates
A cultural lag. For many years education leaders have been pointing out the flaws in this top-down, mean-spirited, child and teacher damaging, ideological, and harmful nonsense laid on our schools. The USDOE has given access to the top levels of our education leadership and policy making to people who have never been vetted or elected,…
My Handout For Peregrine Books Presentation
in Amassed wealth, Charter Schools, Community Education, Corpocracy, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacheer evaluation, teacher evaluation, Uncategorized, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumDear Friends, The intent of Vital Lies is to provide a format for local and national discussion. Vital Lies took over 10 years to research and write. It was released in eBook format in 2012 and is available globally. In January, due to intense pressure from friends, the first printing as a paperback was released.…
Please Read This Excerpt From Vital Lies…
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumINTRODUCTION: SETTING THE STAGE. (Footnotes deleted for this WP blog) This book explores areas of weakness in our schools, provides examples of what needs to be changed, and gives examples of how this change can occur. It discusses the historical basis of the current system, political obstacles to change, and examples of re-structuring instructional delivery…
Get rich! Your Guide For Distorting Education To Access Tax Dollar$$$
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education – Change and Development, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Uncategorized, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumAt this time in American history anyone with gumption and a disregard for children and their futures, or the future of America, can obtain wealth, help destroy public district schools, and gain access to the education tax dollars citizens pay. Here’s how You can become wealthy: Get rid of locally elected boards of education. Many…
Part I: The Dismantling Of Comprehensive Education: A Case Study.
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Uncategorized, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools Curriculum(3 parts combined in this blog) Decades, ago, Arizona along with most other states, set standards for public education curricula. The state’s educational leaders defined what children need to know and be able to do in at least ten interdisciplinary content areas: mathematics, reading, writing, the sciences, social studies and civics (local, state, and national…
A Horrible Manifestation Of A Cultural Lag
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Uncategorized, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumAll that befalls education today is caused by disconnected assumptions about unproven ideologies. Garbage thinking accepted as truth. Fact-adverse mentalities running their undisciplined stupidity as if they know what they are doing and where the rest of us need to go. I no longer discount the dirty, ugly forces of greed that sacrifice the American…
What We Do To Our Children
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumWhat we think we do to and for our children is quite different from what we actually do. What we think is happening for our children and the future of America, is based upon lack of knowledge about how education and our schools work and what a whole or complete school should be. As we…
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumWe are experiencing what it takes to destroy a Nation that was unified by its educational system. How is this being done? They start by destroying our public schools to gain access to children’s minds and program them to be fodder for a new order. The movement grows by placing corporations above individuals and ensuring…
Educational Leadership – We Lack Basic Principles
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacheer evaluation, teacher evaluation, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumWHOM DO WE FOLLOW, we educators who are responsible for the precious futures of America’s children, and thus the future of our country? Who speaks for teachers? Who speaks for the children? What are the fundamental responsibilities that guide educators? Do Associations and Unions represent children and education, or just ‘labor’? Does the US Department…
Wisconsin – A Lesson We Must Keep From Happening Everywhere
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacheer evaluation, teacher evaluation, Uncategorized, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumI blogged about One Nation and that caught the attention of people who feared that what I wrote was true. They had never seen it put so clearly. The destruction of our basic educational system, mostly in elementary education, will end a cohesive nation and, many think, the American Dream. It is already happening in…