Category: For Profit Schools
Obama Can Stop This Travesty
In response to Todney, thank you for your comments. It is becoming obvious to me that the extreme right has mounted a campaign in most if not all states to take over education by discrediting teachers, schools and the American education system. Groups like ALEC, run by corporate powers who want access to…
Brilliant Solutions! Shouldn’t We Diagnose The Problems First?
In what some like to call the “real world,” when a product fails those responsible want to know why. They start by diagnosing the problems and addressing solutions based on that information. That approach is proven and effective. As incomprehensible as it seems, in education, fact-adverse, ideological politicians and those wanting access to our education…
I Know You. You Make My Heart laugh.
Dear family, friends, students, This is a special day for me because of your gifts. As I struggled to adjust to the Information Age and the amazing Interactive Age, you taught me, stood by me, and stopped giving me those, “Are you ever going to get over this?” looks. The Don Quixote in me, even…
Look Away While Teachers Are Crucified.
Lists of failed teachers are being published or circulated, resulting in their humiliation and the loss of employment as educators. Questions that must be addressed: Did the teacher complete a four-year university program and receive certification as a teacher? Has the teacher completed graduate work and/or professional development courses? Did the teacher go through an…
Repost by request: The Community-Down Syndrome
I coined the phrase, “Community-Down Syndrome,” as I attempted to understand why teachers assigned to our broken and dysfunctional communities are being targeted, humiliated, and driven out of the profession at a greater rate than teachers assigned to more affluent schools in healthy communities. Teachers who agree to work with some of our most damaged…
More About The Misapplication Of Discounted Assumptions
We must bypass the hijacked systems which are taking control of education and ensure that, with federal guidelines, states guarantee every student an interdisciplinary comprehensive, fact-based education as the foundation for schooling in the Information and Interactive Age. To build and maintain our nation we must have cohesive principles such as common curriculum, standards,…
The Information Age And The Interactive Age Are Here Now.
Whatever our deepest fears conclude, the fact that the Information and Interactive Ages are here now, and that we must adapt to a new reality, is not debatable. Significant parts of our educational system no longer work. We must modify our delivery systems or enter a dark age. Educators must lead this evolution of…