I write about education, social issues, and the evolving nature of society
Compare the offerings: ALMOST ALL DISTRICT SCHOOLS K-12 – Campus with playing fields, parking, student R&R areas. Bus loading and unloading areas. Library, resource rooms, nurse’s office, counselors offices, classrooms, teachers offices, student and staff rest rooms. Science labs, language…
Holiday Weeks Spent Beyond Wi-Fi
January’s beginning keeps winter’s cold at our feet. Geronimo rode through this riparian wonderland and we imagine him leading a weary group of fighters on their way into Mexico. The canopy of giant cottonwood trees looks ethereal from a distance…
Tragedy and the Arming of Evil by Legal Device
Is the NRA responsible for the Connecticut massacre and tens of thousands of gun-related deaths in America each year? Can a corporation be responsible for this continued onslaught? The reality is that evil people hide behind the legal veils of…
Get rich! Your Guide For Distorting Education To Access Tax Dollar$$$
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education – Change and Development, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Uncategorized, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumAt this time in American history anyone with gumption and a disregard for children and their futures, or the future of America, can obtain wealth, help destroy public district schools, and gain access to the education tax dollars citizens pay.…
Part I: The Dismantling Of Comprehensive Education: A Case Study.
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Uncategorized, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools Curriculum(3 parts combined in this blog) Decades, ago, Arizona along with most other states, set standards for public education curricula. The state’s educational leaders defined what children need to know and be able to do in at least ten interdisciplinary…
A Plan Of Action To Save A Cohesive Union
“One Nation” cannot exist if its citizens do not have common language, culture, and understanding of freedom and how it is preserved. Recent attempts to destroy the American public educational system that has provided this cohesiveness may result in the…
A Horrible Manifestation Of A Cultural Lag
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Uncategorized, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumAll that befalls education today is caused by disconnected assumptions about unproven ideologies. Garbage thinking accepted as truth. Fact-adverse mentalities running their undisciplined stupidity as if they know what they are doing and where the rest of us need to…
What We Do To Our Children
in Charter Schools, Community Education, Corporate for-profit schools, Education, Education – Change and Development, Educational Leadership, Educational solutions, For profit education, For Profit Schools, National Education Dialogue, On-Line Schools, Private Education, Public Education, teacher evaluation, Virtual Schools, Whole Schools CurriculumWhat we think we do to and for our children is quite different from what we actually do. What we think is happening for our children and the future of America, is based upon lack of knowledge about how education…
Letter to the President for Oct 17
October 17, 2012 Mr. President, I am certain you and Michelle have talked a great deal about education in Chicago and in D.C. Parents with children at risk (all parents) have a lot to consider before turning their kids over…
Everyone talks about education’s problems now and back when. We react to things that have already happened. We are so caught up in the past and trying to understand the present that we fail to acknowledge major forces of change…
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