I write about education, social issues, and the evolving nature of society
According to researchers at the Harvard University, Edmond J. Safra Center For Ethics, I live in a State that is home to the most political corruption in America. I am 75-years old and have been an educator all my life.…
We Need To Know … We Don’t Want To Know
IS EDUCATION REALLY ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS TO All CHILDREN? If so, where are the follow-up studies of those dropped on their heads by the schools? We don’t have information – at least not in any district or charter schools I…
President Obama Destroyed His Educator Base
The Obama administration, and especially Arne Duncan, dealt a blow to educators, parents and educated citizens when they sided with corporations like Pearson, and those who believe a punishing blow to teachers and public community schools will improve American education.…
Opening The Door To the Space In-Between
There are questions we don’t ask because…? Maybe we never thought about the possibilities and couldn’t form the question. Or, maybe we thought about the possibilities and decided that what we imagined couldn’t happen – even if the changes wrought…
Focus On The Children – What We Do for Them And to Them
Many communities are fighting to save their public schools. When the administrators and elected board members interface with their communities to pass bond issues or stop the drain of students pulled away by partial schools, they assume everyone knows they…
NOW THE EVIDENCE IS IRREFUTABLE… While America was asleep at least three groups have moved to control American Education: Group one, the most damaging, is motivated by gaining access to the tax dollars citizens pay for public education. They hide…
Votes Of No Confidence Must Not Be Ignored
The attempted destruction of America’s great education system was aided by the NEA and AFT. Teachers had many forces working against them. The failure of the organizations (unions/associations) that were created to represent teachers were a major reason self-appointed billionaires…
Finally, The Corporate Press Is Exposing Duncan and Gates
A cultural lag. For many years education leaders have been pointing out the flaws in this top-down, mean-spirited, child and teacher damaging, ideological, and harmful nonsense laid on our schools. The USDOE has given access to the top levels of…
At The Sea Again…
Log from the Sea of Cortez May 6th 2014 I’ve never seen a rock snake before. There is one crawling out to sea just south of where we’re camped. It grows when they feed it. Truck after truck of big…
SAVING COMMUNITY SCHOOLS reposted from May 2013
Organizing Communities To Save Good Schools by EdwardBerger on May 16, 2013 Destroy the good to reform the weak? What can communities that have good schools do to stop the destruction of their schools and the weakening of their societies?…
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